Gambling Problem Ireland Statistics

More than 230 people sought help with a gambling addiction last year.

Gambling Problem Ireland StatisticsIreland

THE 'completely inadequate' support for problem gamblers in Northern Ireland has been highlighted by a new report, a charity has said. The report into gambling policy and law, produced by the. Gambling Addiction Forum: Gambling Addiction message board, open discussion, and online support group.

Ireland economic statistics

It is a 7% increase on the 217 people who were assessed or treated for gambling as a problem in 2018.

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The HSE says the figures come from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System but are not likely to capture all of those who were treated for gambling problems.

Brendan Kelly, professor of psychiatry in Trinity College Dublin, says the figures are the 'tip of the iceberg'.

'Addiction to gambling is far more common than is imagined,' he said.

Gambling Problem Ireland Statistics Since

It's difficult to measure because there are people who are gambling in betting shops and people who are buying vast numbers of lottery tickets, but also there is online gambling, which is very concerning, and gambling by telephone in different age groups. The statistics only touch the tip on an iceberg.

Gambling Problem Ireland Statistics

Sinn Féin's health spokesperson, Louise O'Reilly, is calling for a gambling surveillance report to carried out.

Gambling Problem Ireland Statistics Uk

'What the Department of Health needs to do is actually take an accurate picture because it's not just an issue around severe gambling addictions, it's actually around problem gambling,' she said.

Gambling Problem Ireland Statistics 2020

93% of those treated or assessed for gambling problems between 2015 and 2018 were male.