Dragon Quest 8 Casino Pickham


The area of land that surrounds the town of Pickham, Red's House, the Monster Arena, and the Swordsman's Labyrinth.

V e d Dragon Quest VIII: Playable Characters. Port Prospect. Peregrin Quay. Maella Abbey. Simpleton. Riverside Chapel. Ascantha. Pickham. Halow project Forum - Member Profile Profile Page. User: Pickham casino dragon quest 8, pickham casino dragon quest 8, Title: New Member, About: Pickham casino dragon quest 8  .

Overhead map of Pickham


A town in the game Dragon Quest VIII.

Pickham is a town of thieves and crooks and Yangus's hometown. He left because he wanted to try the path of the straight and narrow, which didn't work out. Eventually, he and the rest of the party returned to find Yangus's old friend Brains for information on how to get to the western continent. While there, Princess Medea and the wagon were stolen by thieves and sold to Dodgy Dave, the Black Market dealer behind the bar. Dodgy Dave then sold the Princess to Red. Later the party returns and find Brains, who directs them to the wasteland west of Port Prospect.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

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Dragon Quest 8 Casino Pickham
GameDragon Quest VIII

Pickham is a town found in Square Enix'sDragon Quest VIII; it is the hometown of Yangus. Princess Medea gets kidnapped shortly after the party arrives here.


Item Shop
Medicinal herb8?
Antidotal herb10?
Holy water20?
Chimaera wing25?
File:ICON-Amor seco essence.pngAmor seco essence120?
Weapon Shop
Poison moth knife950Attack +29
Hunter's bow1700Attack +30
Steel broadsword2000Attack +35
Iron axe2600Attack +38
Holy lance2700Attack +39
Armour Shop
Bronze armour840Defense +24
Leather cape1100Defense +22
Dancer's costume1300Defense +23
Iron shield720Defense +14
Iron helmet1100Defense +16


Price per person
12 Gold Coins

Dodgy Dave[edit]

After giving Red the Venus' Tear, Dodgy Dave will provide the party with payment for any rare items they can bring him upon request. Giving him more than one of each merits simply a reward of Gold Coins. Following deal includes:

NameFirst paymentFurther payment
Special medicine500 Gold Coins400 Gold Coins
Reinforced boomerang1,200 Gold Coins1,000 Gold Coins
Ring of immunityBandit axe3,500 Gold Coins
Robe of serenity6,000 Gold Coins4,000 Gold Coins
Sandstorm spearHappy hat6,000 Gold Coins
Crimson robeBig boss shield12,000 Gold Coins
Princess's robeAbiding blazer50,000 Gold Coins
  • The Princess's robe trade for the Abiding blazer is a 3DS Version exclusive trade.


  • 1,103 Gold Coins
  • 6 Mini medals (Ultimate Key is needed for one)
  • Power shield (Ultimate Key is needed)
  • Rune staff (Ultimate Key is needed)
Dragon Quest 8 Casino Pickham

Dragon Quest 8 Casino Cheats


  • Mimic (1 which is accessible after getting the Ultimate Key)

Nearby monsters[edit]


Dragon Quest 8 Pickham Casino Tips

Related article[edit]

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

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Dragon Quest 8 3ds Pickham Casino

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